Phoenix Language Services has a custom product called Interpreter Management System. Built with a ReactJS frontend and a .NET micro-services backend, in short it is designed to match appointments with interpreters who speak their languages proficiently enough to translate complicated medical terms to their patients.

The web application was a long-term undertaking, consuming two of my three years with SystemSoft Technologies. There were multiple granular user roles with permissions and a menu that changes depending on someone’s role. Interpreters and Patients/Requesters have a simple single-page UI with tabs to drill into their appointments or preferences, but internal users can have expansive roles configuring financial settings, application behaviors, compliance checks, and overrides.

Much of the functionality in the application was driven by a large number of specialty API endpoints so we could fetch, post, or update data, or just a simple feed of a user’s permission keys which determined the parts of the UI that would render or function in certain ways for each user. If their permission key only included the interpreter view then they would only have the single page, for example.

The frontend was designed from Figma mockups and we used a flavor of Material UI know as MUI (and its SoftUI Pro product) and used libraries such as Formik, Yup, and an in-house customized version of React Table to fill out the components. Endpoints were managed with Redux, and we tracked all of their behaviors and requirements in both Postman and Swagger since there were many to account for.

The most complicated part of this large-scale project was its numerous user types with unique UI flows requiring dozens of Figma mockups and countless rounds of feedback including revisions after UAT and by production users. It may have started off as a replacement for their in-house Excel/Access tables and macros but ended up as a robust web application that they can also whitelabel and resell to other health institutions.